Our Postal Shipping boxes will greet your customers with a smile! PackageMate

Do you worry about your products being damaged during delivery? Are you sick and tired of damages, returns and wasted time asembling boxes to fit your specific size product? Well then let us introduce you to our Postal shipping and mailer boxes. These awesome, tough and reliable cardboard boxes were made to withstand even the most reckless, negligent and irresponsible delivery drivers.


One of the many great advantages of this product is the integrated self sealing tape, to save you time and energy when assembling and packing your products. The applied silicon tape on these shipping boxes means rapid sealing capabilities giving you more time to spend on more important things... like saving the world..


Our engineers designed this product with one goal in mind. To build a box that can store and protect products during the quite often harsh delivery process.


Are you shipping your products longdistance or overseas? The postal shipping boxes are easy to carry, suitable to stack and strong enough to surive in the hands of the couriers. Your package is exposed to serious physical effects before the product is delivered to your customer, so why not give your product the best chance of survival by packing your next delivery with our postal shipping boxes. Your customers will thank you.

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